The Lighthouse

Andrea Putting
2 min readSep 20, 2020

The lighthouse sits alone on the rocks. The wind blows, the storm front beats against it, hurriedly forcing the waves onto the shore. It thrashes the building; it is not shaken. It stands steady. It stands steady against every storm, whatever the weather throws at it, it bears the brunt of. Standing still in the midst of all. Whatever the sea throws at it, the most ferocious of waves, the hurricane force wind, torrential hail and rain, it stands firm on its foundation.

The light shines on, regardless. It does not waiver in its commitment to shine a light to guide others safely on their journey. No matter what happens, that light must shine. It must guide them safely. It must be there to guide them home.

Being the light in the world does not exclude you from the storms. Quite often it means that you are bearing the brunt of it. You are the one that holds still regardless, so that others are protected and can find their way. There is that strong foundation. You have been built on the rocks, firmly grounded in your beliefs and structure. When others are falling by the wayside, you lift them up. Shine your light and guide them to safety once again.

You have not been promised that it will be easy. If anything, you know that fixing yourself on the rocks means that you will often be battered and bruised by the world. In the midst of the storm, you know that this is who you are. You know it is what you have chosen and you know there is no place you’d rather be than being this light that guides others safely home.

You are the light. Continue to shine.



Andrea Putting

Speaker and Author who is passionate about Social Mission, Community and Chocolate. Andrea writes on Community, Life and Spirituality.