The warmth returns to me.

Andrea Putting
2 min readSep 21, 2020

The darkness of the cold grey sky came over me. It penetrated my being. I sank slowly into the blackness. It felt heavy. I felt like I couldn’t move. Nothing was going to pull me out of this.

How would I see the sunlight again?

How would I feel the warmth radiate through me?

How would I lift above the clouds?

I couldn’t see you, but you were there. You are always there. The Spirit of all, is always there. Always with me. Holding me, carrying me when it feels as if light has left me.

I know that you are always with me. I just sometimes get lost in the day to day life. I get lost in a lonely moment. I this time, I feel helpless and hopeless. I feel it could completely swallow me up.

It is not the Truth of me.

As I feel embraced by your love, the warmth starts to return to me. I see a break in the cloud. The light starts to flicker through. Slowly the light returns. The Sunlight starts to emerge. The warmth returns to me.

Your love and light fill me once again. There is nothing I can’t do or be. All that is, is before me. I feel the warmth take over.

A moment of infinity lives within each of us. Andrea Putting listens and translates this moment into words, not for the mind, but, for the soul.
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Andrea Putting

Speaker and Author who is passionate about Social Mission, Community and Chocolate. Andrea writes on Community, Life and Spirituality.